Jun 28, 2022 | Personal Gothic
It usually appears out of nowhere, when you least expect it. Some people can tell when it’s coming, feel it approaching. There’s a sudden rush of cold, coming from somewhere deep inside, exploding, spreading out quickly from the pit of your stomach to top of...
Jun 28, 2022 | Personal Gothic
How am I even supposed to start writing about violence? The topic seems so close, yet so distant. Am I the right person to rock the boat? Where should the story begin? In childhood, in friendships, international affairs, private stories, or secrets whispered at night...
Jun 28, 2022 | Personal Gothic
Lumbricus Terrestris. Earthworm. Nightcrawler. Why is the simple shiny earthworm called a night-crawler? Does it literally crawl in the night? Or is the night the symbol of it living physically, mostly in the dark? It strikes me that in my childhood memories...