Editorial Board

EIC: dr hab. Izabela Morska, prof. UG  

Editorial Board: dr hab. Piotr Sobolczyk, IBL PAN; dr Barbara Miceli, UG

Advisory Board: dr hab. Zofia Kolbuszewska, prof. UWr

Proofreaders: Penny Shefton, Brian Bort, AI

Student Editorial Board: Małgorzata Harasimowicz (promotion), Karolina Żelazna, Karolina Wolniak, Aleksandra Gromow  



Izabela Morska is the author of the gothic novel Alma, as well as Absolute Amnesia, a bildunsgroman. Professor in the Institute of English and American Studies, she also authored a dissertation on Maria Komornicka, an uncanny and transgressive figure of Polish modernism. Her latest works are Glorious Outlaws: Debt as a tool in Contemporary Postcolonial Fiction (2016) and Vanishing (2019), a memoir of illness and auspiciously resolved hospital peregrination. Winner of the Pomeranian Literary Award (2020) and the Julian Tuwim Literary Prize for Lifetime Achievement.

Barbara Miceli is Assistant Professor in American Studies, University of Gdańsk. She is author of a monograph on Joyce Carol Oates (A ‘Fourth’ Way to Tell the Story: Fact and Fiction in Three Novels by Joyce Carol Oates, 2021) and co-author of a book on contemporary TV series (Reading Contemporary TV series: Aesthetics, Themes, and Reception, 2022). She also published several poems, short stories and three novels, one of which was recipient of the 2014 Cimitile Prize for fiction.

Piotr Sobolczyk is Professor of Literary Theory, Comparative Literature, and Queer Theory in the Institute of Literary Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw; also a translator of Spanish, English and French literatures, a poet with five books of poetry published and sixth forthcoming, author of two volumes of prose, and a singer-songwriter. Among some of his almost twenty books published, “Polish Queer Modernism” (2015), “Gotycyzm – modernistyczny sobowtór odmieńca” (2017), and perhaps an EP with music “GotHarmonies” (2021) should be mentioned.

Zofia Kolbuszewska is Associate Professor in the Department of English, University of Wrocław. She is the author of monographs on Thomas Pynchon and gothic representations of childhood in American literature, and numerous articles on American Gothic, neobaroque, and forensic imagination. With Patrycja Antoszek and Agnieszka Łowczanin she is editing a collection of essays on Polish Gothic for the University of Wales Press.